Curtis Park
Quick Neighborhood Stats:
Population: 5,168
Median Income: $78,658
Median Age: 40.7
Neighborhood in a Nutshell:
Curtis Park is a quaint residential neighborhood known for its craftsman bungalows and tudor revival homes. The neighborhood’s namesake park has a jogging trail, tennis courts, and summer concerts. The historic 24th Street Theatre, built in 1929, hosts performances, film screenings and lectures. It is located at the greater Sierra 2 Center for the Arts and Community which serves as a regional incubator of the arts, education, culture, and community activities. Lively neighborhood restaurants, craft breweries, and taphouses can be found throughout the area.
Five Neighborhood Favs:
Go for the beer, stay for the burger: Pangaea Bier Cafe
Here’s the scoop: Gunther’s Ice Cream
Where everyone knows your name: Cafe Dantorels
Take a lap: Curtis Park
Not your average plants: Public Land Store
Stats provided by AreaVibes; opinions provided by Mollie.